
Jules has been fortunate to find great musical chemistry with a couple of musicians that have helped expand her catalog and push her musically.


Riser & Hill

“…I’m Jules…” “…and I’m Bob”

Bob and Jules found musical chemistry from their first performance as a band and the pandemic afforded Jules & Bob the opportunity to expand their music to include an acoustic duo.

Sharing lead vocal duty and also tight harmonies, and always up for the adventure of trying a request on sight, Jules Riser and Bob Hill are sure to entertain audiences of all types.



Jules & Diego

“harms & charms”

Anyone who knows either Jules or Diego understands the levels of mischief either of them happily promotes and participates in. Now, their forces of tomfoolery are combined for musical shenanigans in duo form.

Their signature “Harms (Harmonies) & charms” provide as much entertainment between songs as they do during their music making.